Key competences:

As Lean mentor and coach, I see my role as sparking the actions that drive my customers to initiate changes in their organisations. I help organizations design and optimize their processes. Align everyone, from top floor to shop floor, with ultimate goal of every organization – provide value for their customers.

Main areas of work: Process optimization and manufacturing process digitalization.



Tallinna Tehnikaülikool: Automaatika ja telemehhaanika.

SME & SHINGO Institute – LEAN training and certification. ASQ – SixSigma training and certification. University of Helsinki – Elements of AI.


Work experience:

Laur & Partners Consulting. Eesti ettevõtete äriprotsesside tõhustamine, digitaliseerimine ja automatiseerimine.
Lectra. Skandinaavia mööblitööstusettevõtet protsesside optimeerimine ja automatiseerimine.
Tieto Estonia. Ettevõtete äriprotsesside digitaliseerimine ja tarkvara arendus.


Working languages:

Estonian and English language.


Working experience abroad:  

Sweden, Finland and Lithuania.


Some work references from the past 5 years:

Several projects with Scandinavian upholstery furniture manufacturers, with aim to increase efficiency and implement automatization and digitalization solution.

Have helped many Estonian manufacturing companies in optimization of their process and implementation of ERP or MRP solutions.